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To help ensure that your shopping experience is safe, simple and secure uses Secure Socket Layer (SSL) technology. This encrypts and protects the data you send to us over the Internet. If SSL is enabled then you will see a padlock at the top of your browser and you can click on this to find out information about the SSL digital certificate registration.
You will also notice that when you look at the location (URL) field at the top of the browser you will see it begin with 'https:' instead of the normal 'http:'. This means that you are in secure mode.
adidas Headphones takes great care in providing the utmost security to our customers. We take vulnerabilities that pose a security risk seriously, and we appreciate the global security research community’s help identifying risks. You can help us by identifying vulnerabilities, so we can address them.
If you believe that you have discovered a security or privacy vulnerability on our .com, emails or other digital channels, please report it to us by sending an email to
Please make sure that you include as much information as possible, like specific URL and software version(s) that you believe are affected; a technical description of the behaviour that you observed and the behaviour that you expected; the steps required to reproduce the issue; and a proof of concept or exploit